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We Are Saving The Bees! Organic, All Natural, and Good For The Earth!
Wholesale Natural Body Care offer amazing products that are tried and true with our many customers as well as being a #1 seller on AMAZON. Join us as we a quickly growing because we believe in putting our customers first. Offering our customer great products as well as striving to offer you a shopping experience that will allow you to find what you are looking for. Shop with us today and receive a GREAT DISCOUNT AND AMAZING ONLINE EXPERIENCE.
We know you will love it!
We use natural fixed oils and organic butters to make the Black Castor Growth Balm a nourishing butter your customer will love using and realize good results. You do not need a dictionary to understand the ingredients we used to make this amazing hair butter.
All of our products are made in the United States.
We use and test all of our products on ourselves, family and friends.
We sell al of the products in our store and doing so allows us to get the feedback we need to critique all of our products to meet our customer's demands.
We are proud to say that anyone can read our ingredients without the use of a dictionary.
Each of our skincare creams, masks, cleansers and serums are handmade by holistic beekeepers in Hawaii.
Our Beekeepers have built a relationship with their bees, who they treat with the greatest care and attention.
Black Castor Seeds
Black Castor Seed Oil stimulates hair growth, targets balding, strengthens hair follicles, and deeply moisturizes hair and scalp dryness.
Castor oil also known as Ricinus communis is a vegetagle oil that derives from Africa and India.
Additional benefits of using Black Castor Seed Oil is that it helps thicken hair, boosts circulation to the follicles and is rich in Omega-6 essential fatty acids.
Blackseed Kit - My hair absolutely LOVES this kit, I've already bought it twice and usually lasts me 6 to 7 weeks. I used to use the Hair- A-Do kit and while i still like those products, my hair adores this new line. I have very dense low porosity 4c hair and I use the black seed Shampoo bar to shampoo after I pre poo with coconut oil. I use the black seed hair mist after conditioning (with the hair ado conditioner) and follow up with the black seed growth oil and Black Seed Growth Balm using the LCO method. My hair stays hydrated, soft, and I will use the mist to hydrate between wash days. BONUS: it smells great. i give this kit a 10/10
I have been a customer a customer for several customers and can remember my daughter and i visiting the shop for the first time and meeting the owner, Valerie Rowan. She has done a phenomenal job creating quality products at affordable prices. I love her shower gel, body scrub, body cream and parfums. I consistently receive compliments on my fragrance. My husband loves her products as well. Whether you have sensitive skin or not you can find a product that meets your needs and smell and feel AWESOME!!!
Vitamin E Superior Anti-Aging Defense Serum
This is magic in a bottle. I initially purchased it for my face and neck. I had been experiencing areas of dryness from the wind and extreme cold weather here in the South. I used the serum on the chapped, dry, sensitive irritated areas on my face and neck twice daily for three days. My skin started to immediately rejuvenate itself. The red chapped areas of stressed skin began to soften, and my face began to retain a health glow with a smooth even tone after using it for five days.
I am a cosmetics queen and have not experienced a product of this magnitude and affordability since the 1980’s. It works and does exactly what is says and more! I began to use the serum on other areas of my body that was experiencing extreme dryness, flaking and dehydration. This product laid the foundation for my skin to receive and retain additional moisture. I am elated and amazed!
Miracle Mist
I am having a moment of deja vu. The Miracle Mist feels like a conditioner for your skin. It is more emollient that any bodymist I have ever used. To replace the moisture and elasticity that my skin once had in its youth, I started using the Miracle Mist every morning on damp skin followed by S. NaQuel Naturals D. Alpha It’s Butter Baby or the D. Alpha Step It Up Cream according to the next level of moisture I am seeking on a given day. The winter month are very hard on my skin. I had been experiencing extreme itching from the dryness and dehydration of skin. I initially sought advice from my medical physician and I didn’t receive the results that I was seeking. I had been using the Vitamin E Superior Anti-Aging Defense Serum from S. NaQuel Naturals on my face with excellent results, so I contacted them about the issues I was experiencing with body. The staff was caring and promptly responded to my request with a plan of action to give my skin what it needed to heal. I used the recommended products and within 3-4 days I began to feel relief from itching, irritations, and dryness. I was surprised at how quickly my skin began to feel good. I am not someone that is easily impressed or convinced that products work as they are marketed to various audiences, but I can honestly say these products are everything and the descriptions are accurate. I have thrown away all of my drugstore products and will use S. NaQuel Naturals for my face and bodycare needs.
By: gpbee
Huntsville, Alabama
Rebeca - Results may vary from person to person.
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Try any our or Black Castor Seed products and SAVE!!!
BLACK CASTOR OIL Leave in Moisturizing Hydrating Hair Mist
:|~|:txtblclass:--:ba-4217055:|~|:ttl5cont:--:10% OFF!
:|~|:ttl3blclass:--:ba-4217075:|~|:ttl2cont:--:HYDRATING HAIR MIST
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Black Castor Oil Moisturizing Hair Cream
:|~|:txtblclass:--:ba-4217068:|~|:ttl5cont:--:$45.00 EACH!
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Moisturizing Hair Cream
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BLACK CASTOR SEED OIL Stimulating Growth Oil
:|~|:txtblclass:--:ba-4217060:|~|:ttl5cont:--:$40 EACH!
:|~|:ttl3blclass:--:ba-4217065:|~|:ttl2cont:--:Black Castor Oil Growth Oil
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