How to Make Labels

How to Make Labels

By Valerie Rowan

Here is a video on my Instagram page that shows you how simple it is to create your own labels. Please follow us there and watch this video.

If you would like to have our designer create your labels you may email Lorenzo at:

How To Make Labels.

 You can buy weatherproof labels in the size suitable for your products at 

Size of Labels to buy: Measure your jars or bottles for the correct size for the labels you will need to buy and create:

Measure Your Jars & Bottles: You can get a measuring tape from the dollar store and keep it handy. Measure around your container and then the height of your container (from the top to the bottom). Leave enough room on the top and bottom so that your labels fit well without any curling on the top or bottom. 

Here is a simple example of some information you may wish to put on your label. 

How to Make Product Labels for your Private Label Lines

This is basically how you may want your label application to look on your bottle - Give or take how far up or down you may want it to be placed without being too long. 

Quickly Design Your labels for your AFFORDABLE WNBC Private Label Products


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